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Brush Mulching

Brush mulching is a land clearing method that uses a single machine to cut, grind, and clear (mulch) vegetation. wiki

Brush Mulching is the very much like land clearing because both clear land quickly and efficiently. Bushwackers Brush Mulching service is just a different term than ‘mowing’ or ‘Brush Clearing’. Bushwackers Land Clearing will use our brush mulching machines to actually ‘mulch’ your unwanted brush using our forestry mulchers. We have other land clearing equipment to remove big trees or brush patches that can’t be ‘mulched’ where they stand because of swampy land, or big rocks in the way. These types of areas require that we use a different piece of equipment (generally our Cat excavator) to pull the brush and trees up from their roots and transport them with another piece of equipment to an area where the transported materiel can be placed in a pile where the brush mulching occurs. See the pics below to understand the process:

Here the brush and trees are selectively cleared from your land because the geology of the land could damage our brush mulchers.


Once we have cleared your land of brush, this piece of land clearing equipment actually grabs the brush and moves it to a better location.


Now that the brush and trees from the cleared land has been moved to a new location, free from structures or rocky land, it is time to ‘mulch’ the brush.


Now the formerly large pile of debris is mulched down to nothing in a matter of minutes.

Bruch Mulching - After

One area where Bushwackers Land Clearing uses brush mulching is when there are bigger areas of flatter land where thick brush is present, but no big metal piles or uneven surfaces that could harm our brush mulching equipment. Clearing land or ‘mulching brush’ is much more efficient and faster when the brush mulching is conducted on old grazing areas that have not been used in a while, or, a track of land that is clear of old barns or metal piles. Our brush mulching equipment have no problem in these areas and only leave behind mulch which is spread by default as it leaves our equipment during the process.

If you have an area of land which requires brush mulching, Contact Jerry today! 580-920-5039

Fill out the form below or give Jerry a call.

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